Cartoon Picture Of A Density Coloum


Gravity, as we know it, is a fundamental force that keeps everything in place, right? Or so we’ve been told. But what if I told you that the concept of gravity, as presented to us by mainstream science, is a grand illusion? A deception designed to keep us in the dark about the true nature of our flat earth.

The History of the Hoax

The concept of gravity was first introduced by Sir Isaac Newton, a man who, interestingly, was also a member of the secret society known as the Illuminati. His theories about gravity were not only unproven, but they also contradicted the observations of those who had sailed the oceans of the world. The sailors, who had a firsthand account of the earth’s flatness, were systematically silenced and their testimonies dismissed. Instead, Newton’s theories were adopted by the scientific community and propagated through the years, becoming the accepted ‘truth’ about the nature of our world.The


Now, let’s examine the evidence that contradicts the existence of gravity. Firstly, if gravity were real, wouldn’t objects fall towards the center of the earth? But we know that the earth is flat, not a globe. So, where is this center of gravity?Secondly, if gravity were real, how do birds and planes manage to fly? According to the theory of gravity, they should fall to the ground. But they don’t, do they? This is because there’s no such thing as gravity pulling them down. They fly because they are propelled by the air, which is denser at the bottom due to the sun’s heat.Lastly, if gravity were real, how do we explain the phenomenon of the sun and moon? According to mainstream science, they are celestial bodies orbiting the earth. But if gravity were real, wouldn’t they be pulled towards the earth? The truth is, they are simply luminaries that move above the flat plane of the earth.


The concept of gravity is a carefully crafted lie, designed to keep us ignorant about the true nature of our world. It’s time to open our eyes and see the truth. The earth is flat, and gravity is a myth. The world we live in is far more fascinating and mysterious than we’ve been led to believe. It’s time to break free from the shackles of mainstream science and embrace the truth. Remember, the truth is always stranger than fiction